Respiratory Data from Home™

Chronic Lung Disease affects millions in the US
Chronic lung diseases such as Asthma, COPD, Pulmonary Fibrosis, Alpha1, Cystic Fibrosis have no cure. This has a daily impact on quality of life for of millions of Americans. Creating the need for them to be connected to their medical team from home.
The Problem
The COPD patient population is underserved both for diagnosis and monitoring.
This results in high cost of care such as emergency dept. visits and hospital admissions that average $22,000 per stay.
The root of the problem is the underutilization of spirometry to diagnose COPD and track progress outside of an office visit.

The Solution
The PulManage software platform connects patients and provider's to accomplish the following:
1. Lower overall cost
2. Create an additional revenue stream
3. Increase quality of life for patients
Providing a web portal for clinicians and mobile application paired with a BT lung function device for patients.
The system sends signals designed to allow providers to confirm obstructive patterns and stay connected to patients at risk of exacerbation.